Veggie Quinoa

So don’t get me wrong, I love quinoa.  I make it a lot. The texture is killer and the nutritional benefits are through the roof! But…I mean…it can be kinda boring.  Unless you add a ton of flavor to it, it’s kinda bland. So over the years, I’ve tried different things to spice it up a little! Usually, I’ll just mix 1/2 quinoa and 1/2 brown rice together and then cook it. That way, my husband doesn’t realize he’s eating quinoa lol But if I’m planning on having straight up quinoa as a side, this is one of my favorite ways to make it!

Essentially, I just use any veggies I have on hand and add it to the quinoa! Typically I always have peppers, onions, and mushrooms…so those are the usual suspects.  But I’ve also added corn, peas, tomatoes…pretty much whatever is on hand! And when I tell you this comes together in less than 30 minutes, I mean it.  I rarely ever make anything that takes longer than that! haha

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Spicy (kind of) Roasted Potatoes with Sriracha Sour Cream Dipping Sauce

So this past week, my grocery store had pork shoulders buy one get TWO FREE.  Yasss. So on Monday I put a shoulder in my slow cooker with a few spices and when I came home it was ready to go and just fell apart *sigh*.  I mixed in some BBQ sauce and it was all set. So then I was on to my side dishes.  I felt like this meal was really just asking for some crispy roasted potato wedges 🙂

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