Quick Oatmeal Desk Breakfast

So as I was browsing the gluten free aisle at Big Y the other week, I decided to look at the instant oatmeal section.  I tend to steer away from the pre-packaged single serving oatmeals because usually they have SO MUCH sugar.  I’d rather just make my own and add in some natural sweetness.  But, plot twist, Ancient Harvest has an Ancient Grain instant oatmeal with 0 sugar in it! So great and convenient.  Plus it’s a little different than regular old oatmeal.  Love.


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I’m lucky enough to have a kitchen in my office building (I worked in a restored Victorian house…so it feels very homey) which has been wonderful! I used to teach and I would quickly eat my breakfast before I left the house, even though I wasn’t hungry.  Then I’d be hungry again at like 10am and I’d have to have a snack before lunch.  Now that I work in an office, I can just have some water in the morning and then eat breakfast once I’m hungry around 9 or 10.  It has made it so I don’t have to have a mid-morning snack, which saves me some calories! So some days, I’ll bring this oatmeal packet and then a little container filled with 1 tablespoon of chia seeds, 1 tablespoon of peanut butter or almond buter, and about 1/3 cup blueberries. Then once I’m at work, I make the oatmeal in the microwave and add all my yummy toppings 🙂

A little coffee on the side and I’m a happy girl 🙂

Don’t you love when there are quality, gluten-free convenience foods? It’s the little things.


  • 1 packet of Ancient Harvest Ancient Grains oatmeal cooked to package directions
  • 1 tablespoon chia seeds
  • 1 tablespoon (or more 😉 ) of peanut butter or almond butter
  • 1/3 cup of blueberries


  • Cook the packet of oatmeal according to packet directions
  • Pour in chia seeds, peanut butter, and blueberries.
  • Mix and enjoy 🙂