Reactions All Celiacs Can Relate to…

Having Celiac Disease is definitely a life changing experience.  Until you have it, you don’t realize how many aspects of your life involve food! And suddenly having to worry so much about every single thing you put into your mouth changes everything.  So here are 10 reactions that I’m guessing all of you Celiacs can also relate to lol Feel free to add some more in the comments!

  1.  When you’re not expecting to be able to eat anything, but someone surprises you by going out of their way to get something gluten free just for you and it hits you right in the feels 



2.  When friends or family decide to cook you a “gluten free” meal but you feel the need sit in the corner and watch to make sure they don’t accidentally mess up…  “Hey what’s that seasoning you just used??”


3. When someone makes you a gluten free meal and you don’t get to watch them make it so you ask “So how’d you make this??” trying to pass it off like you just wanna know the recipe and not like you’re listening intently for possible gluten traps. 


4.When you ask the waiter if something is gluten free and he says “Yeah, I’m pretty sure”…but you can see in his eyes he has no freaking clue. 

5. When you’re trying to figure out where to go to dinner with a group of people and someone suggests a place that’s really not Celiac-friendly and they say “But I’m sure you can get a salad.”

6.  When someone serves you something with gluten and then they ask if you can just pick it off

7.  When you tell someone you’re gluten free and they say “Omg, I would die if I couldn’t have gluten.”   Really…? Would you really DIE?

8. When you take a bite of something that’s gluten free, but it’s so good you can’t quite believe you’re not being poisoned.

9.  When you take a chance on a restaurant and you’re not sure how they’ll be about the whole “gluten free” thing, but they end up blowing you out of the water.

10.  When you meet someone else that has Celiac and you feel instantly connected/wanna talk about it for hours.



Any reactions you would add??