My Gluten-Free Wedding

So since being diagnosed with Celiac, I thought about whether I wanted to have my wedding be gluten free.  I kind of toyed with idea, thinking that it would be a little over the top to go all gluten free…but then I changed my mind.  My husband and I eat gluten free at home all the time and a run-in with gluten at my wedding would completely ruin the whole thing. So why couldn’t I just do all gluten free!? Most people don’t even notice unless you tell them and the piece of mind I would have knowing I wasn’t going to be poisoned on my special day would be priceless!

As fate should have it, I found a pretty reasonable catering company that specialized in allergy-friendly foods! They are a nut-free facility and will happily accommodate other allergies as well.  This is where my dream wedding menu began….

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